StayResIndia.com provides complete information on Goa India hotels, ranging from beach hotel Goa, vegetarian hotel Goa, health hotel Goa, business Goa hotel, budget hotel in Goa, and luxury hotel Goa. Here you can get complete information on services and facilities offered by deluxe hotel in Goa, the best deal on Goa hotel package, online Goa hotel reservations service, and an easy to use Goa hotel booking facility. Please check online availability and special discount on Vasco Residency Goa Hotel.
Vasco Residency Hotel in Goa India stands in the heart of Vasco town, just 100 meters from Vasco Railway Station, and very close to the famous Mormugoa. Large, airy and comfortable rooms, coupled with large conference hall make it an ideal business class hotel. The recreation facilities satisfy the most discerning travelers.