StayResIndia.com provides you complete information on Alappuzha hotels, ranging from comfortable budget hotel to modern luxury hotels. Here you can get information on services and facilities offered by Punnamada Resorts Hotel, the best deal on budget hotel, online hotel reservations, and an easy to use hotel booking facility. Please check online availability and special discount on Hotel Punnamada Resorts.
Punnamada backwater resort awaits you with a wide range of amenities. Cross over from your hectic life and just step in to be pampered by the facilities and our crew. Spread over 10.5 acres with water frontage stretching over a kilometer, the resort enjoys an ever refreshing weather. The breeze carries with it the warmth of the sun and the coolness of the enchanting Vembanad Lake. Every day here is vibrant with glorious sunshine and the frenzied crescendo of the gentle waves, and every night balmy with subtle rhythm of tiny waves caressing the shores.